Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful for so many things it's hard to name them all. But I'll attempt to make a list of the most important:

1. God - no explanation needed - without Him, there is nothing else.
2. My family (parents, husband, brother, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc etc....): I wouldn't be the person I am without all of you. I love you all dearly
3. My friends - too many to name. All of you have come into my life and supported me, shaped me, loved me, etc. You're the greatest and I love you all.
4. My dog - yes, I'm thankful for the dog. She's my "child", my companion, my shadow. Happiness is a warm puppy. And Bree makes me very happy.
5. My health - I wouldn't say I'm in perfect condition, and my body lets me know it on occasion. But that body allows me to live and to work and to play. It's allowed me to push it to new challenges, and that has just made me stronger and healthier.
6. My home - Marc and I are very fortunate that we were able to purchase (and pay off) an awesome house. It's more than just a roof over our heads - it really is home.
7. My job - I work with some amazing people and get the opportunity to do some really awesome things.

And probably a million other little things that all come together to make life the amazing wonder that it is.

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