Saturday, June 29, 2013

Race Report - Biggest Loser 5k

A week ago if you had asked me what my plans were for today I would have told you - Nothing much; some laundry, watching the start of the Tour de France, hanging out at home.  But on Wednesday, I saw a small ad for a 5k at the bottom of a website. Since I was at work, I didn't check out the link and went on to what I was actually searching for (lots of happenings at the  US Supreme Court in the HR world this week), but I did make a mental note to check it out when I got home.  And I did, thought it looked like fun, and registered, just a couple of hours before online registration closed.

So that's how I came to run the Biggest Loser 5k this morning.  I've been running, but not really training, and definitely not training to run a fast 5k. But my thoughts were along the lines of "I'm planning on running at least 3 miles on Saturday anyway, might as well do it with a bunch of other people."  A t-shirt, a medal, and the camaraderie of other runners are worth the race fee any day.

I lined up at the start line and was feeling a bit claustrophobic because the corral was really narrow and crowded.  There were a lot of runners there, but not quite so many that they needed a corral or a wave start, but that's how it was done.  They also had pace groups. Once I saw that, I had the plan to stick close to the 10:30 group, but with the way the corral was angled, I wasn't in the same wave as the guy with the sign.  By the time I got started, they were just far enough away that I couldn't catch them. 

And of course, my trying to catch up with them means I started out too fast and wasn't able to keep up the pace.  Between the fast start and the heat, I ended up having to slow down (and walk some as well).  But all in all, I did pretty well for running a race on a whim.  There was a time, not so long ago, that I couldn't even run 3 blocks, let alone 3 miles.  And to run a 3 mile race without really training for it, that's saying something.  I've come a long way in my running journey.  And it's not over yet.

Race Stats:
Biggest Loser 5k, June 29, 2013
Overall Time: 34:00, 10:46mpm
Splits: Mile 1 - 10:21, Mile 2 - 11:00, Mile 3 - 11:10, Mile 0.16 - 9:22

Enough about me, let's talk about the race. The Biggest Loser people put on a good show.  A nice packet pick-up/expo with some seminars if you're interested and stuff to buy (t-shirts, stickers, stuff like that). And the race itself - motivating atmosphere, balloons, music, contestants from the show participating and keeping you entertained before and after, a decent race shirt, and a cool medal.  It was well organized and well done.  I don't want to sound negative about my town, but I don't think we did the race justice.  I don't remember seeing it advertised or promoted; maybe I missed it, but I don't think it was.  And it should have been.  It was a good time.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Eating my words

I know I've said multiple times and in multiple places that 2013 was the year.  It was the year that I was finally going to make the commitment to run the 15 miler at the Charleston Distance Run.  It was the year that no matter what, I was going to run that race. No matter what, I was not going to give up and give in and run the 5k instead.

Well, maybe not no matter what.  There is a very small list of things that would make me change my mind.  And tonight, in a conversation with Marc, one of the things on that list happened.  The "if you run the 5k, I'll run it too" thing.

Promise or no promise, I just don't think I can pass up the opportunity to run a race with Marc; the opportunity to have a partner who can help me train; someone to push me and make me find the faster runner I know is in me, but can't seem to find on my own; to have someone there with me to help me attain that ever elusive 5k PR (I can't let him beat me!) 

Nope, I just can't pass that up.  No way, no how. So once again, in 2013, I'm eating my words. Only this year, they taste pretty good.  Unlike past years, where they've tasted like disappointment and defeat, this year, they taste like opportunity, potential, and victory.