Monday, July 29, 2013

Running Races in Costumes

I've got 3 "special" races coming up in the next few months.  They're special because I'll be running them in costumes.  Yes, costumes.  Nothing outrageous or crazy. But definitely fun.

What are these fun costumes you ask?   Here they are (still in the planning stages for couple of them, but the main parts are there).

Race #1:  The Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon in Cleveland, October 6, 2013.

Race #2: The Disney Enchanted 10k, February 2014
(still needs buttons and a belt buckle)
(and the sleeves match better inside out)
(doesn't really look it, but that hat is perfectly Dopey purple)
Race #3 - Disney Princess Half Marathon
Belle - before the ball, apparently known as "Provincial Belle"
(need to find something other than Gramma's antique handkerchief to use an apron)