Another week done. It was a week of highs and lows, good runs and bad runs, runs that were easy and runs that were a struggle.
Monday's tempo run was one of the easy runs - I had a plan to keep the pace under 10 minutes per mile, with a goal pace of 9:45 minutes per mile, which I very happily did. Tuesday was my hill day, and I added a repeat, bringing my total times up the hill to 4. Felt like crap while doing it (in case you didn't already know - hills are hard! ;-) ) but despite it being a slow shuffling run, I was running all the way up, all 4 times. Thursday was my tempo interval day and Marc was out with me on his longboard, which gave me just the inspiration and motivation I needed to nail the intervals. Friday was "fun run" day (no plan, no goal, no set anything, except to get out there and run because it's fun) but severe weather - bad storms and tornado warnings - kept me inside where I would be safe and dry. Sunday was supposed to be my long run, but the odds were stacked against me and I didn't get all the miles that I needed or wanted. I probably could've toughed it out, but I think the cost of that would've been greater than the cost of wimping out (it was better in the long run (pun intended) to bail and be healthy enough to run other days than to push it and miss out on more days) Luckily I have some cushion weeks in my schedule so I have time to build up the long runs even with a missed one here and there.
Monday 2/27 - tempo run - 4.09 miles; 2 mile cool down run w/ Marc - 1.96 miles
Tuesday 2/28 - Hill run - 3.02 miles,
Wednesday 2/29 - running rest day; Strength workout - Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack
Thursday 3/1 - Tempo Intervals - 5.22 miles; Strength - Quick Abs & Arms
Friday 3/2 - Fun run - 0 miles (stayed safe inside)
Saturday 3/3 - Rest day
Sunday 3/4 - shortened long run - 3.32 miles; walk home 0.63 miles
Total Miles - 18.24
On to week 4!!!
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