So that's how I came to run the Biggest Loser 5k this morning. I've been running, but not really training, and definitely not training to run a fast 5k. But my thoughts were along the lines of "I'm planning on running at least 3 miles on Saturday anyway, might as well do it with a bunch of other people." A t-shirt, a medal, and the camaraderie of other runners are worth the race fee any day.
I lined up at the start line and was feeling a bit claustrophobic because the corral was really narrow and crowded. There were a lot of runners there, but not quite so many that they needed a corral or a wave start, but that's how it was done. They also had pace groups. Once I saw that, I had the plan to stick close to the 10:30 group, but with the way the corral was angled, I wasn't in the same wave as the guy with the sign. By the time I got started, they were just far enough away that I couldn't catch them.

Race Stats:
Biggest Loser 5k, June 29, 2013
Overall Time: 34:00, 10:46mpm
Splits: Mile 1 - 10:21, Mile 2 - 11:00, Mile 3 - 11:10, Mile 0.16 - 9:22
Enough about me, let's talk about the race. The Biggest Loser people put on a good show. A nice packet pick-up/expo with some seminars if you're interested and stuff to buy (t-shirts, stickers, stuff like that). And the race itself - motivating atmosphere, balloons, music, contestants from the show participating and keeping you entertained before and after, a decent race shirt, and a cool medal. It was well organized and well done. I don't want to sound negative about my town, but I don't think we did the race justice. I don't remember seeing it advertised or promoted; maybe I missed it, but I don't think it was. And it should have been. It was a good time.